The Greenhouse/Landscaping program will be a benefit to any student pursuing any of the horticulture careers such as floriculture, landscaping, and greenhouse/nursery.
All students are trained in a general curriculum, studying subjects such as plant growth and identification, soil science, greenhouse management, and small business development. Students interested in floriculture will concentrate their time in the greenhouse working with flowers and houseplants. In addition, students will work with the arrangement of flowers and other decorative materials, constructing projects such as centerpieces, corsages, and wreaths.
Those interested in landscaping and mechanics will specialize in the repair and maintenance of small engines, construction of landscaping projects, hardscaping, and operation of horticulture equipment on the Beaver County CTC property.
The Beaver County CTC has an active chapter in the National FFA Organization in which all students are urged to actively participate.
Course Description
This is a 2-Year PDE Approved Program of Study – CIP Code 01.0601
PDE Task List(Word Download)
Equipment Safety
Greenhouse Management
Hardscape Installation
Landscape & Floral Design
Plant Identification
Career Paths
Farm Labor Contractor
Floral Designers
Greenhouse/Nursery Worker and Gardener
Landscape Architects
Landscaping and Groundskeeper
Lawn Care Manager
Nursery & Greenhouse Manager
Tree Trimmers and Pruners
Postsecondary Options